Garter Snake

Thamnophis sp

Quick Facts

Size: 24 – 40 inches

Lifespan: 10+ years

Natural Habitat: North American Shrubland

Communal: Yes. Very.

Colouration: Polymorphic, dependent on locality and morph.

Care Level: Easy/ Beginner.


Garter snakes are very active and inquisitive snakes. Enclosures must allow them to move freely and explore. A minimum of a 3 foot enclosure is our recommendation for an adult pair of T. sirtalis. 2 foot enclosures may be suitable for a singular male. Larger groups may require larger enclosures.

Heating and Lighting.

Garters are temperate snakes. They still however require heating. Basking spots around 28°C. Temperatures should never be allowed to drop below 10°C unless brumating. Brumating should be carried out annually for 1-4 months at <10°C. While UV hasn’t been described as a necessity, we HIGHLY recommend the use of UV bulbs for your garters.


40-60% is ideal for garter snakes, often easily matching that of household humidities. Water bowls large enough for the animals to be easily capable of fully submerging are a requirement for successful shedding.

Substrate and Decor.

Substrates should be small enough to easily pass through the snake if accidentally ingested. Due to the humidity requirements, almost any substrate can be used. Ensure substrates are non-toxic.
Decor will comprise a large amount of the animals enrichment, and a densely decorated enclosure with lots for the animals to explore will be utilised to the animals’ utmost capabilities. We recommend rearranging and redecorating with every clean out.

Diet and Water.

Garter snakes are part of the Natracine family. This family in the wild will eat almost anything… In captivity we recommend feeding a varied diet where possible to simulate this. Frogs legs, fish, earthworms, organ meats.. the list goes on; just ensure any fish is completely thiaminase free, or supplement with thiamine. Feedings should be regular, upto 3 times a week for juveniles. A garter eating properly will grow very quickly. Food items should be small enough to be easily eaten without another snake being able to strike the same piece. Multiple items should be fed per feeding. No food should be fed for at least 2 weeks before cooling for brumation
Constant fresh water should always be supplied.

Some of Our Garter Snakes!